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About Us

Founded by Composers Concordance Directors Milica Paranosic, Dan Cooper and Gene Pristker, CC_Edu is a multifaceted, innovative education platform, offered to students of all ages, interests and backgrounds. We specialize in a creative, custom-tailored approach, and believe that music should be a part of everyone's education.

Contact Us

Composers Concordance,

Education Office, New York

549 West 52nd Street, 8th Floor

New York NY 10019

Tel: 1 - 212-203-6163

Intercontinental Education Outreach 

CC_Edu, practice what you teach

Music Technology for Young Students

CC_Edu founders Milica Paranosic, Gene Pritsker, and Dan Cooper, are active music professionals. They are composers, performers, producers, educators and entrepreneurs. They relate their living and breathing knowledge directly to you, giving you personal insights into all angles of music, its creation and presentation.

 performance - composition - production - outreach - network - job training - educational travels - online learning  

© 2013 by composersconcordance. All rights reserved

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